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Legal information


Information available on this website is intended solely for information purposes and does not constitute a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell, or an investment or arbitrage proposition. The information contained in this website shall under no circumstances be interpreted as having any contractual value.

This is an unofficial translation of the French version, in case of inconsistency, the French version prevails.

This website is not a trading platform. Mansartis may modify information without notice.

The website is hosted by OVH.

Website objective

The website is intended exclusively for information purposes aiming to present the group’s business lines, namely fund management, investment mandate management, wealth management advisory services, mergers & acquisition advice and life insurance brokerage. This presentation cannot be considered as sales prospecting or an offer to invest in transferable securities.

Mansartis cannot be held liable for decisions taken on the basis of information contained in this website, or for any third-party use of this information. Before taking investment decisions, investors must check with their usual advisors that their legal status does not restrict access to any Mansartis products, particularly whether their country of residence prohibits or regulates access to certain products.

The products and services presented on this website can only be subscribed in jurisdictions where their marketing and promotion are authorised.

Intellectual property

Mansartis is the intellectual owner of the website and the texts, photographs and documents presented on the website. No part of this website may be reproduced without prior agreement from Mansartis.


All of the products referred to on this website are subject to market fluctuations and no guarantee can be given regarding their future returns. Investors are reminded that past returns are not a reliable indicator of future returns. Investments incur risks as products may fail to deliver gains and may generate significant losses.

The products are not index-benchmarked and do not seek to replicate any particular index either. Indices are referred to solely for comparative purposes concerning historic data.

References to rankings and awards are not a reliable indicator of future rankings or awards.

Please note that all financial investments incur risks (market risks, capital risk and foreign exchange risk) which may lead to financial losses. As such, Mansartis recommends that investors, prior to making any investments, carefully read the key investor information document (KIID) and the fund prospectus which are both available on this website or on written request to the Mansartis registered offices. Investors must ensure that they possess sufficient experience and knowledge on which to base their investment decisions, notably with regard to their legal and fiscal consequences.

Personal data / GDPR

Information collated regarding clients is indispensable to satisfy their investment demands.

Data categories

The following data is collated:

  • Civil status: client identity and date of birth;
  • Contact details: postal addresses; telephone numbers and email address;
  • Professional situation of clients and spouses;
  • Financial situation: income, current and potential future expenses, savings capacity, assets, financial charges, etc.
  • Personal situation: marital status, dependent children, etc.

Purposes for collating data

Personal data is collated and processed for the following purposes:

  • To ensure that investment services provided are suited to clients’ personal and financial situations and their investment objectives;
  • Customer relations management, ensuring that new products proposed are adapted to clients’ profiles;
  • Respecting regulatory obligations (checking identity, preventing conflicts of interests, combating money laundering and terrorist financing).

Data recipients

Mansartis may transmit collated data to the following third-parties:

  • Custodians and bookkeepers;
  • Periodic control bodies such as the funds’ statutory auditors and other auditors
  • Regulators or any authorised public bodies.

Collated data is strictly confidential.

Mansartis also complies with professional ethics and compliance and regulatory controls by recording electronic communications.

Clients’ rights

Clients have the right of access to personal data and may request rectifications in the event of errors.

Clients also have the right to request the deletion of their personal data for the following reasons:

  • The personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collated or processed;
  • If the person concerned can prove prohibited use of the data.

Mansartis undertakes to reply to all requests as soon as possible after deliberation.

Clients can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following address

Cookies & hypertext links

Cookies enable Mansartis to monitor web traffic and therefore enhance and update the website based on data collated.

The provision of access by the Mansartis website to other websites or internet addresses through hypertext links cannot be considered as advice or approval of the information contained on the websites in question.

Applicable law & details of legal entities

French is the official language of the Mansartis website which is subject to French law and legal jurisdiction.

Mansartis Gestion is authorised by the AMF market regulator as a portfolio investment management company and is also a member of the AFG French financial investment association, the professional third-party asset management organisation.
8 place Vendôme, 75001 Paris
Telephone: + 33 1 42 96 10 70
Capital: € 1,344,240
SIREN n°: 324 823 996
Authorisation n°: GP90045

Mansartis Conseil
8 place Vendôme, 75001 Paris
Telephone: + 33 1 42 96 10 70
Capital: € 40,000
SIREN n°: 429 949 472

Mansartis Courtage
8 place Vendôme, 75001 Paris
Telephone: + 33 1 42 96 10 70
Capital: € 50,000
ORIAS n°: 07002680
SIREN n°: 331 055 350

Mansartis Finance
8 place Vendôme, 75001 Paris
Telephone: + 33 1 42 96 10 70
Capital: € 305,760
SIREN n°: 384 703 047

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